Legal Notice

The present website is the property of Mr MARIE Florian, a French sole trader in the quality of Artist-Author.

SIRET number: 95245558200025
APE code: 9003A
Director of publication: Mr MARIE Florian
Editorial manager: Mr MARIE Florian
Head office: 256 C Rue de Nantes, 35136, St-Jacques de la Lande, France
Email : hello@gobi-ward.comWebsite :

1 | Hosting

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Commercial register of the canton of Geneva: CH-660.0.059.996-1
IDE number : CHE-103.167.648
VAT number: CHE-103.167.648

2 | Intellectual property and counterfeiting

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3 | Hyperlinks and cookies

The website contains a number of hypertext links to other websites (partners, information, etc.) set up with the authorization of the website owner.

The owner of the present website has no means of controlling the sites connected to its website, and is not responsible for the availability of such external sites and sources, nor does it guarantee them.

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4 | CNIL declaration

In accordance with the French Data Protection Act 78-17 of January 6, 1978 (amended by Act 2004-801 of August 6, 2004 on the protection of individuals with regard to the processing of personal data), this site has not been declared to the French Data Protection Authority (Commission nationale de l’informatique et des libertés).

5 | Protection of people and property | Personal data management

User: Internet user connecting to and/or using the above-mentioned site:

In France, personal data is notably protected by law n°78-87 of January 6 1978, law n°2004-801 of August 6 2004, article L. 226-13 of the Penal Code and the European Directive of October 24 1995.

On the website, the owner only collects personal information relating to the user for the purposes of certain services offered by the present site. Users provide this information with full knowledge of the facts, particularly when they enter it themselves. Users of the site are then informed whether or not they are required to supply this information.

In accordance with the provisions of articles 38 et seq. of the French Data Protection Act 78-17 of January 6, 1978, all users have the right to access, rectify, delete and oppose any personal data concerning them. To exercise this right, please send your request by e-mail to

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The website complies with the GDPR.

Databases are protected by the provisions of the law of July 1, 1998 transposing directive 96/9 of March 11, 1996 on the legal protection of databases.


All information on the website is subject to change.
It is subject to any changes that may have been made since it was put online.

By using this site, you accept these terms and conditions without reservation.